Ethnoraphy · 12 September 2019

The Fifty Minute Ethnography

Ethnography is becoming an increasingly popular research methodology used across a number of disciplines. Typically, teaching students how to write an ethnography, much less how to undertake “fieldwork” (or the ethnographic research upon which ethnographies are based), is reserved for senior- or MA-level research methods courses. This article[1]Trnka, S. (2017), The Fifty Minute Ethnography: Teaching Theory through Fieldwork, Journal of Effective Teaching, 17(1), pp. 28-34. examines the pedagogical strategy of engaging first-year students in the ethnographic field methods and the art of ethnographic writing and suggests how the use of a short ethnographic exercise (the fifty-minute mini-ethnography) can enable students who are at the beginning of their undergraduate degrees to better understand the relationships between theory and empirical data.

Twitter: @susannatrnka

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#Ethnography #ResearchMethodology #Fieldwork #EthnographicWriting #PedagogicalStrategy #FirstYearStudents #EthnographicFieldMethods #UndergraduateDegrees #TheoryAndEmpiricalData


1 Trnka, S. (2017), The Fifty Minute Ethnography: Teaching Theory through Fieldwork, Journal of Effective Teaching, 17(1), pp. 28-34.